Summer Fashion Trends 2022

Summertime sadness? Not us. What is it about summer fashion that gets everyone in a good mood? It’s simply a feeling, and as fashion is always changing, revolving with trends and styles coming in and out we felt that it’s our duty as a fashion eCommerce agency to let you know about what everyone’s wearing this year. 

2022’s Summer Trends

Matching Top to Bottom

Some may call it top-to-toe colour. The only thing we know that this year’s summer fashion is going to be colourful. All the way down. Feel free to be a little outrageous, because the brighter this better this year. 

We’ve noticed so many brands stocking up on co-ords in preparation of the summer fashion season. And they’ve got the right idea because with climate change the sun’s hotter than ever, giving you freedom to stand out. 

No Frills? Start fussing 

Not fussed about frills this summer? Well, you’ve got the wrong idea then. Frills are definitely in, and the frillier the better. 

What’s even better? You can get a dress that’s perfect for a summer night and even do the frills yourself because DIY is in too. Let your hips do the talking and dazzle in fabric strips.

Back to basics 

Has Stranger Things got you thinking about the late 80s and how everyone just looked so cool without doing anything? 

Well, there’s a reason for that. 

The summer fashion was simply functional… and no one had phones. 

So, if you’re ready to fall into life and escape from the screen then just chill out, relax, and aim for tones that suit your complexion. 

Put the mobile down and get out and about for a hike, a bike ride or get out and about for a camping trip. 

The Psychic Connection

Psychedelic colours, ever since the 60s, will never go out of style, and this summer – they’re back!

Mandalas, reds, blues, greens, yellows merging into each other, absorbing and creating newness. Summer means it’s time to release all the negative and pent up energy you have and embrace positivity. The good kind of fever. 

It’s time to express yourself.   

Are you a Maxi or Mini? 

The ageless (is it?) debate… to go maxi or mini. 

Well, this year whatever you choose will still be in style, so there’s nothing to worry about. 

Maxi and mini dresses are simply personal preference and suited to different occasions. And we’re sure that after so long trapped at home the first real summer where we’re able to be free is going to require a lot of your presence. 

Embrace being a woman

Struggling to define yourself? 

Look to the past for inspiration… 

With shows like Downton Abbey and Florence sprinkled in the air there’s nothing more Shania Twain than being prim and proper, and looking great while doing so. 

Summer’s the time for garden parties, early dinners and late night soirees that are absolutely begging you to dress the part.

In short, summer fashion in 2022 brings eclectic styles together for you to experience all of your split personalities in one beautiful mixture that’ll help you stand out and feel like the glamorous babe you’ve always been.

No more pretending.


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